

Dental caries (decay) is the most widespread dental disease among children. No matter how well or how often a child brushes, some grooves on the teeth can be too small for even a single toothbrush bristle to reach. As a preventative measure, our dentists may recommend flowing a sealant material into these grooves to help reduce the incidence of decay. Tooth Sealants are quick to apply, painless, and one of the best investments a parent can make for the long-term dental health of their child.

Tooth Sealants
Tooth Sealants

A tooth sealant is essentially a flowable resin material which settles into the tiny fissures and pits of a tooth, where cavities frequently arise. After the tooth is polished thoroughly, and the surface etched with a mild solution for adherence purposes, the sealant material is allowed to flow into the grooves of the tooth. The material is then light-cured until it becomes solid.

Althoughtooth sealants are incredibly durable, occasionally they must be reapplied. It is important for a child to avoid hard and sticky foods, and maintain regular checkups so the dental team can properly evaluate the status of your child’s sealants.

Comprehensive Dental Care

Our Huntsville dental care practice concentrates on family, implant and cosmetic dentistry.

Our goal as dental health professionals is to provide you with adequate education to make informed health conscious decisions. Dental health means more than just an attractive smile. Poor oral health and untreated oral conditions can have a significant impact on your quality of life. In many cases, the condition of the mouth reflects the condition of the body as a whole. Through an ongoing relationship with you and your family, we will do our very best to ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Our Office

4605 Bellewood Circle
Huntsville, AL 35802

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(256) 539-6634